Find Clarity on Love by Keeping It Super Simple
Your understanding of love can have varying degrees of meaning when you view it through the language of your childhood.
Many people are in difficult and abusive relationships and still hold the belief that they are “in love.” This is because the dynamics of their upbringing colors their definition of love. Due to this fact, true “unconditional” love doesn’t exist on this planet.
In truth, the most important ingredients for a successful male to female (or soul to soul) relationship include respect, allowance and non-judgment. Without these essential emotional aspects being present in a relationship, love (no matter how you define it) can still fail.
Unfortunately, the “human condition” allows for the idea of love to be present even when there exists a high disregard for a partner. Accordingly, one can believe that disrespect, control and manipulation are a form of love, while, in actuality, they are only comfort zones or simply those actions to which they have become accustomed without knowing any better.
Planetary lesson tend to be recurring, so the essence of these kinds of relationships can be repetitive throughout a lifetime and can perpetuate the idea that all connections cause pain and suffering.
In the most successful of relationships, both individuals respect the other’s personal soul growth. Also present is a mutual respect of each partner’s ability to adapt to the various situations encountered. This is demonstrated by restraining from projecting feelings that would make a partner feel inadequate and his/her actions feel inappropriate.
Granted, this is an especially hard task to do since human frailty and ego are built on the “right” way. However, if two people can give each other the boundary space to adjust to a mutual experience, and accept that there may be a trigger back to an inner child response, then the relationship can flourish and both can share with one another to create a balance.
In order to maintain the balance necessary for soul growth, humans are made purposefully to have gender differences, which, in turn, hold different energies. These energies interact with each other to create a balance.
For example, generally, men use more logic than women and, conversely, women use more emotion than men. However, logic not tempered with emotion is out of balance, as is emotion not tempered with logic.
Within an individual’s energy field, there are aspects of both the feminine (to be) and the male (to do) energy. Consequently, even though there may be same-gender-to-same-gender relationships, miscommunication is still encountered between the one who has the male energy and the one who has the female energy. This principle isn’t limited to same sex relationships, for many times in male-to-female relationships, the man will harbor more feminine thinking and the woman more masculine thinking.
Moreover, due to the high divorce rate and the increase in single parenting, both genders have had to integrate more of the other gender energy to survive. This can feed upon itself and create confusion and role reversal that contributes to even more separation. However, just as a pendulum must swing in both directions, this confusion is an indication of growth as reflected in the collective consciousness. It is a forward movement toward gaining balance.
Rather than holding one finite definition of love, look at this deep emotion as wearing multiple faces and accept that these faces are manifested through many and different types of relationships.
Here’s the bottom line: the most important person to love on this planet is you.
Unfortunately, due to the competitive energy that runs through society plus the various challenges met in life, people find this to be the most difficult type of love to preserve.
One reason is that self-talk is often completed in the negative with statements such as the following.
“I feel stupid”
“I look too heavy or too thin.”
“Why can’t I be more like my parents or my siblings?”
This self-defeating and disapproving language is hard-wired into your thinking patterns. It creates an energy of its own and is very hard to remove. Only through the proper use of affirmation can this energy be transformed.
You are what you think.
Consequently, it is imperative to utilize your thought processes to their fullest potential. Melinda Vail, an intuitive therapist, suggests that one method on how to accomplish this feat is to use, what she calls, the three keys of life, which are meditation, visualization and affirmation.
She says that these three keys of life can be your “get-out-of-jail-free card.”
However, just as repeat offenders often prefer the comfort of jail, human beings often prefer the comfort zone of struggle and difficulty. In order to overcome this and create a new and more positive comfort zone, it is imperative for people to release their fears. In turn, this will allow them to take responsibility for their personal power. With this power harnessed, everyone has the ability to change their own life.
By Keeping It Super Simple, you can begin to peel away the layers to get to the core of the issue. This allows you to come to the conclusion that love is the answer.
However, there are some preliminary questions to be answered before you can embrace love and life.
So, here’s your task.
1. Figure out what love means to you and why.
2. Discover from where your language of love stems.
3. Think about how the way you love has affected your life.
If you can learn to love yourself, as well as place yourself first (although not in a negative selfish mode), you will be successful in sharing your love with others.
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